Steve Tuck
Based in the United Kingdom, Steve Tuck is an experienced solutions engineer with a long history with a variety of commercial MTA´s. With a deep tech background, Steve is able to advise on and address the specific challenges of the entire email ecosystem.
12 April Friday
Proactive Reputation Management
Not waiting to be listed. What are the approaches an ESP or SaaS provider can take to mitigate abuse from their network?
From pre-onboarding vetting, proper sender management, pre-flight checks before sending a campaign what are the ways to reduce senders on your network creating delivery delays or worse still getting you listed?
Moderated by:
Udeme Ukutt, Email Deliverability Manager & TPM, AWS
Raymond Dijkxhoorn, CEO, SURBL
Tobias Knecht CEO & Founder, Abusix
Steve Tuck, Senior Solution Architect, Halon