
Steve Tuck

Senior Solution Architect, Halon

Based in the United Kingdom, Steve Tuck is an experienced solutions engineer with a long history with a variety of commercial MTA´s. With a deep tech background, Steve is able to advise on and address the specific challenges of the entire email ecosystem.

13:35 - 14:10 PM

12 April Friday

Proactive Reputation Management

Not waiting to be listed. What are the approaches an ESP or SaaS provider can take to mitigate abuse from their network?

From pre-onboarding vetting, proper sender management, pre-flight checks before sending a campaign what are the ways to reduce senders on your network creating delivery delays or worse still getting you listed?

Moderated by:
Udeme Ukutt, Email Deliverability Manager & TPM, AWS

Raymond Dijkxhoorn, CEO, SURBL
Tobias Knecht CEO & Founder, Abusix
Steve Tuck, Senior Solution Architect, Halon